UI Design Project

Sun Sync

My Skillsets & Tools Utilized
Desktop Platform
UI Design
Rapid Prototyping
Branding/Graphic Design
User Journey Mapping
Information Architecture

Isaac Tseng (Interaction Design)
Eunju Park (Interaction Design)

The Big Idea

Sun Sync is a Time Keeping App that uses our intuitive understanding of sunlight & how we perceive time with sunlight in order to help orient people across different time zones. It is a new way to connect with friends and family worldwide and view time through a different lens.

Ah Ha Moment

More often than not, we tend to make sense of time by organic means rather than digital. Our biggest universal indicator of time of day is Sunlight. The key to making sense of Time Zones is therefore in understanding the relative daylight between different geographic locations.
Research Process

Our lives are globally connected. No matter with travel, business meetings, or connecting with friends & family abroad, we are constantly dealing with (and confused by) Time Zones on a daily basis.

How Might We...

- How might we reduce the frustration associated with navigating Time Zones?

- How might we create a time keeping app that is understood globally and intuitively?

- How might we tap into people's organic sense of time and move away from calculating our day in digital time?

Secondary research

Circadian Clock:

- Circadian Clock is the internal biological way we perceive time. Rod and cone cells in our eyes affect how we perceive time, so not only by light and dark, but also based on changes in perceived color spectrum.

Time Perception:

- Time perceived is relative to our lived experiences. Our past habits, lived patterns, and memories are ingredients for us to forecast time and give us expectations for what is to come.

Time Keeping, Time Zones & Sunlight:

- Time keeping across different time zones can be confusing and disorienting. Sunlight plays an important role in how we perceive time in a day. Sudden changes in sunlight can disrupt our internal clock and physiological patterns.

Research Key Insights:

- Organic Time (as opposed to Digital Time) is a widely utilized method of time keeping, such as using the sun's position in the sky or daily habits to tell time.

- Sunlight and the color spectrum are universal key indicators of time for human beings. They are part of key environmental cues to help us tell time.

- The key to making sense of Time Zones is in understanding the relative daylight between different geographic locations.

Sun Sync is a Time Keeping App that uses our intuitive understanding of sunlight & how we perceive time with sunlight in order to help orient people across different time zones.

We want Sun Sync to reduce confusion about different time zones through tapping into people’s intuitive understanding about sunlight. Sun Sync aims to create an easy way to quickly orient and connect people across different time zones.

Project Info

Time Zone Differences
Time Perception
Time Keeping
Color Theory

Target Audience

To connect with friends and family abroad



Time Setting
Current time
Design Outcome
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